Garden Recipe: Chive Oil

One of my very first spring garden recipes is chive oil. This delicious, versatile recipe can be used on SO many dishes, and it feels so good to finally be eating my own food! In my zone 3 garden, I can usually harvest enough chives in the third or fourth week of May to make this recipe.

1.5 ounces chives
0.5 ounces garlic chives (see notes)
3/4 cup canola oil (or other light-tasting oil like grapeseed or avocado)


  1. Harvest your chives right before you make this recipe. Wash them well and dry them. Then chop them roughly into 2-inch chunks.

  2. Put your chives in a pot of boiling water for 30 seconds. Quickly transfer them to a bowl with ice water to stop the cooking. Drain them, and pat them dry.

  3. Add the chives to a food processor, and slowly add your oil while blending on low. Blend for about 2 minutes.

  4. Let the mixture sit at room temp for about an hour.

  5. Cover a strainer in cheesecloth or use a fine-mesh strainer over a mason jar. Pour the oil mixture in. and let the oil drip through. Don’t press on the solids, just let it drain slowly.

  6. Store in the fridge for up to one month.

I use chive oil on SO many things. Drizzle it on pizza, or over eggs or into a soup. Make a ricotta crostini with pea shoots and drizzle it over that. Use it as part of a salad dressing. It’s so versatile - get creative :-)


  • You don’t have to use garlic chives, you can just use 2 oz of regular chives

  • When I say ‘cheesecloth’ you want to be using the cheaper grocery store brand with a wider mesh vs a tightly woven cheesecloth.


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